What is an Account Manager anyway? And how can they help your business grow?
An Account Manager is a team player who can adapt to and manage a variety of situations, whether it’s a client request to launch a special weekend only offer or preparing strategy for an annual campaign. We oversee the marketing process for our clients so their campaigns are successful and their business grows as a result!
Hi, my name is Dee. I’m a Certified Agency Account Manager at DARCI Creative, Brand Muffin’s sister company. I’m a dancing queen, Beyoncé fan and a Rosé Enthusiast (Well, I used to be… I’m expecting my first baby in July!) And I love what I do.
Sure, some days are stressful and a little nutty, but what job isn’t? Helping clients, large and small, grow to meet their business goals is so rewarding and on top of that, I have great relationships with our clients, and some of them I consider to be close friends! Whether you’re an existing DARCI or Brand Muffins client or you’ve been considering signing on with us I want to share a few things about working with an Account Manager so you know what to expect! Here we go:
#1 – We’re Here to Help. Our #1 priority is making sure our clients are happy. Think of us as your dedicated Customer Service Rep, that you have access to at all times (not really, but pretty much). Need a black & white version of a logo? No problem. Have a great idea for a Holiday Give Away? Awesome, we’ll help you turn the idea into a reality.
#2 – We Want to Get to Know You Better. And we like to ask questions. A great Account Manager is always researching and learning about your business and your industry. What are your competitors doing? Who is your target audience? How can we get the best results? In the end, this allows us to communicate effectively with you and makes us better at what we do.
#3 – We’re Organized. We keep deadlines, campaign & website launches, and anything connected to your account on track, so you don’t have to worry about it. You’re running a business, aren’t you? You can leave that to us.
#4 – We’re Your Gate Keeper. Remember all those pesky sales people calling to ask if you want to run a radio ad, or a TV commercial, or buy a cool water bottle with your logo on it? Send them our way, we’re happy to manage the sea of media reps that probably call on you multiple times a day. Again, you’re running a business, ain’t nobody got time for that!
#5 – We Appreciate You. We might help keep your business running, but at the end of the day, you are what keeps our business going. So thank you for trusting us with your business. It truly is an honor to work with some of the best small businesses in the Region.
#6 – We Take You to Happy Hour. We work hard, to play hard. Creating relationships with our clients outside of the work day is important to us, so let us treat you to a cocktail, or two.
Daniele Hosser
DARCI Creative
Senior Account Executive